Paradigm Shift Summit

For Your Eyes ONLY…

Claim Your FREE VIP Ticket
to Our Exclusive

The Paradigm Shift



LIVE in Las Vegas!

CRITICAL NOTE: We’ve placed a FREE ticket on hold for you. But you have to claim it ASAP! These tickets are EXTREMELY limited. Act NOW or you will forfeit yours to someone else.

Dear Reader,

Doug Hill here, VP of Publishing for Paradigm Press.

Today, I have the distinct pleasure of offering you something extremely special – not to mention exceedingly rare…

I’m talking about an exclusive seat to a one-of-a-kind LIVE event that would normally cost at least $5,000 to attend

But that YOU can claim right now – for FREE!

No gimmicks.

No tricks.


I know people throw that word around a lot, so if you’re skeptical I understand.

But I promise…

Because you’re one of our most valued subscribers…

We’re throwing this event just for you, and we’re covering ALL of the costs on your behalf.

So it truly is 100% FREE for you to attend.

However, because this is a LIVE in-person event, we only have 1,000 total spots available to give out.

And I should warn you, this message could be seen by over 200,000 of your fellow subscribers.

So if you want to claim your seat, you MUST act now.

(And because of the limited number of seats, we simply request a fully refundable $500 deposit – which you will get back in full – just to reserve your spot.)

I’ll explain everything in detail below – including when and where this event is happening…

Who is scheduled to speak…

What’s at stake for you…

And, of course, how to claim your FREE ticket to this exclusive LIVE event today.

But first, let me explain why we’re doing this…

A World on the Brink:
Growing Your Wealth in a Time of Unparalleled Crisis

I’ll be blunt.

The world is a chaotic mess right now.

The war in Ukraine is still raging.

Gas prices are through the roof.

The supply chain is a disaster – with endless disruptions wreaking havoc on the entire global economy.

And here in the U.S., we’re in the midst of one of the worst market collapses in history…

All while inflation continues to set fire to our purchasing power…

And jack up the price of the everyday goods we need to survive.

And if that weren’t enough, Biden and the dems seem hell bent on keeping the U.S. on a path of ultimate destruction…

With one bad policy move after another set to run the U.S. dollar and the entire financial system straight into the ground.

So if you’re at all worried about the state of the U.S. economy – and more importantly the future of your wealth…

Let me just say…

You are NOT alone.

We hear you loud and clear.

And we’re gearing up for whatever curveball comes at us next.

Still, while there is seemingly no shortage of bad news these days…

Our Financial Editors Are Always In YOUR Corner to Help You Grow Your Wealth No Matter WHAT Happens

Because there are actually plenty of bright spots in the market – if you know where to look…

Not to mention some massive profit opportunities that can make you a fortune – even if the rest of the market is a disaster zone.

That’s why we’ve put together the greatest team of financial experts ever assembled…

A team of unmatched market insiders, tech futurists and economic masterminds who’ve collectively worked alongside 2 sitting presidents…

Been advisors to the highest levels of government including both the CIA and the Pentagon…

Not to mention accurately predicting EVERY major trend of the last 40 years…

As well has showing thousands of hardworking folks like you how to make a fortune in the markets – all thanks to simple, easy-to-follow investment strategies.

And they want to meet you in person at our exclusive Paradigm Shift Summit – LIVE in Las Vegas this Fall.

I hope you realize how truly special it is that you have access to so many of the world’s elite financial minds all under one roof.

Combined, they have correctly called:

Not to mention President Trump’s victory, the global pandemic, the current supply chain shortage, and even the war in Ukraine…

All MONTHS before they ever happened.

Our editors have been 10-steps ahead of the rest of the market in every one of these events.

And their insight has helped readers like you make double, triple- even quadruple-digit gains in EVERY kind of market – sometimes in as little as 8 DAYS.

These guys know how to find those rare, hidden-gem profit opportunities that go completely overlooked by 99% of investors – and NOT just during the “boom years”…

Our editors have been able to pinpoint profitable plays even while the markets are TANKING.

Because it doesn’t matter if the market is going up, down or sideways…

There will ALWAYS be a way for you to profit.

And our job – which we take very seriously – is to show you the BEST ways to do that… with as little risk to you as possible.

Still, while you get regular email correspondence from your favorite editors…

There is NO substitute for hearing them speak in person.

That’s why today, I’m honored to offer you a rare chance to hear everything they have to say about the state of the markets…

Including their most up-to-the-minute predictions…

And unique ways to help protect and grow your wealth…

LIVE and in person – completely FREE.

It’s all a part of our exclusive, one-day event we’re calling the Paradigm Shift Summit – and your free VIP all-access pass is waiting for you to claim it.

So please…

Mark Your Calendar for
Tuesday, October 11th!

Since this is a fully LIVE event, you’ll need to plan accordingly.

So please mark your calendar for Tuesday, October 11th.

Wynn Las Vegas

That’s when we’ll be hosting this private, one-day conference at the beautiful Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas.

Now, if you’re not familiar with the Wynn Las Vegas, it is easily one of the world’s most impressive hotels.

In fact, it was recently named the largest Five-Star resort in the entire world – so it’s worth a trip to Vegas just to see it in person.

But I’m getting ahead of myself…

Let me tell you why you NEED to come to Vegas on Oct. 11th…

First off, as I mentioned, you’re going to hear LIVE presentations from every single one of our world-class editors.

All of your favorites will be there – and you’ll get a front-row seat to each critical demonstration.

Just look at the lineup of speakers you’ll be hearing from:

The shear amount of knowledge and financial expertise in one room during this event is simply staggering.

And because you are one of our most loyal readers, we are completely covering your entry fee.

Now, collectively these guys command speaking fees into the tens of thousands of dollars…

Heck, Jim Rickards alone usually charges $25,000 just to walk through the door!

Plus, when you factor in the number of high-quality, profit-making opportunities and exclusive recommendations you’re likely to hear…

Not to mention that it’s being held at the gorgeous Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas…

We could easily charge a minimum of $5,000 per ticket to this event.

And I’m sure people would gladly pay it.

But today you can secure your seat to this private conference – 100% FREE!

And as I just mentioned, we’ve secured a truly outstanding location for this one-of-a-kind conference…

Elite Access to the World’s Largest 5-Star Resort!

I don’t know about you, but I love a great hotel.

And as someone who’s traveled extensively throughout my career, I’ve been to some pretty extravagant places…

The Four Seasons in Vail, Colorado… The Ritz-Carlton in the French Quarter… even the top-tier Rancho Santana Resort and Spa in Nicaragua…

Wynn Las Vegas at night

But honestly…

The Wynn Las Vegas tops them ALL.

It’s truly an exceptional hotel.

And when you consider the pedigree behind it, it’s really no surprise.

According to the prestigious Forbes Travel Guide, Wynn resorts have more Five-Star awards than any independent hotel company in the world – with an astounding 24 Five-Star recognitions across their entire global portfolio.

Wynn Las Vegas Ballroom

The Wynn Las Vegas in particular is officially the world’s largest Five-Star resort, and boasts the ONLY Five-Star Chinese restaurant in North America with Wing Lei, among other accolades.

So we’re very excited to have secured the Wynn Las Vegas for our exclusive Paradigm Shift Summit.

We wouldn’t have settled for anything less.

This is going to be the most important – and most exclusive – one-day event of the entire year…

Wynn Las Vegas pool bar

With some of the biggest-names in the financial world scheduled to speak…

And we needed an elite venue to match.

The Wynn Las Vegas is precisely the kind of top-tier resort we were looking for.

So I sincerely hope you'll join us this October 11th.

Your FREE VIP All-Access Pass Is Waiting For You to Claim It!

We’ve been trying to plan a special LIVE event for elite readers like you for a while now.

But between travel restrictions, Covid-related lockdowns and other ridiculous hurdles… it just hasn’t been possible.

Now, I’m proud to say we’ve finally been able to move past those hurdles to bring you the premier financial event YOU deserve.

And as a “thank you” for being one of our most loyal readers, we’d like to invite you to attend 100% FREE of charge.

Here’s how it works…

At the bottom of this page is a specially encoded link.

Click that link as soon as you see it and you’ll be taken to a secure page where you’ll be able to claim your spot to the Paradigm Shift Summit.

All we ask is that you put down a fully-refundable $500 deposit just to reserve your seat.

And that’s it.

As soon as we hear from you, your seat will be secure and all you’ll need to do is plan your trip to Vegas.

Now, as I’ve been saying, this event is a free courtesy available only to a tiny, select group of our readership.

All told, we have more than 209,000 unique readers who rely on our financial research and recommendations.

But since this one-day event is extremely limited…

We only have enough seats for 1,000 total attendees – and once they’re gone… they’re gone for GOOD.

That means just 0.4% of our readers will be able to secure a spot at this elite event.

And that’s why we’re reaching out to you today.

Because we want to add YOU to our exclusive guest list.

This is truly a one-of-a-kind opportunity, so I hope you take me up on it.

But again, because of the extremely limited number of seats available, we simply ask for a nominal $500 deposit – which you will be refunded IN FULL the moment you check in at the event.

I hate to even ask that

But with so few available spots we simply can’t risk the “tire kickers” claiming a free spot then not showing up. I’m sure you understand.

We simply want to throw the BEST possible event for you – and we have so many incredible surprises lined-up, I can’t wait to share them with you…

Including one that I’m extremely excited about…

The Grand Return of The Whiskey Bar!

It’s been more than ten years, but we’re finally bringing back the most entertaining feature you will EVER see at an investment conference.

Initially created as a one-off event at our Investment Symposium in Vancouver back in 2008, The Whiskey Bar quickly became the MUST-SEE event at the conference.

So what is it?

Well, after the day’s presentations are over, we’ll invite a select group of your favorite editors back on stage for a no holds barred debate of the most important and pressing issues of our time.

You may see Jim Rickards and James Altucher debate the future of cryptocurrencies…

Or George Gilder and Ray Blanco spar over the importance of the Metaverse…

Or Zach Scheidt and Alan Knuckman go head-to-head on the single best investment opportunity of 2022 and beyond…

You never know what’s going to happen!

And that’s The Whiskey Bar

A tableful of the smartest financial experts in the world – with their preferred beverage in-hand – intellectually “duking it out” in front of a LIVE audience.

It’ll be fun, exciting and – if past Whiskey Bars are any indication – more than a little controversial.

Drinks will be had…

Friendly insults will be hurled…

And vigorous debate will ensue between some of the most-respected financial minds of our time.

You won’t want to miss it.

But that’s just one special BONUS event we’ve got planned for you…

Please Join Us for a FREE Post-Summit Cocktail Party

After the day’s presentations are over…

And the dust has settled on the lively debates at The Whiskey Bar…

Wynn Las Vegas lawn with string lights above

You’re cordially invited to join us for a private Post-Summit Cocktail Party.

Here you’ll get to let loose, have a few drinks and chat with your fellow attendees.

There will be some delicious hors d'oeuvres, an open bar…

And you’ll even have the chance to rub elbows with some of your favorite editors – LIVE and in person.

This is a great opportunity for you to relax and engage in thought-provoking discussions with other like-minded readers.

After all, you’re going to get so much information and hear so many recommendations throughout the course of the day, you’ll need some company to digest it all.

And this FREE Post-Summit Cocktail Party is your best chance to do that.

So we sincerely hope you’ll join us.

But if you want to claim your seat, you need to act NOW…

Your FREE VIP All-Access Pass Is Now Available

As one of our most loyal readers, you know better than anyone just how valuable and important this research is…

And that’s exactly why we want YOU to join us at the Paradigm Shift Summit.

But if you want to claim your seat, we need to hear from you ASAP.

As I mentioned, we only have 1,000 total seats to give out…

That means just 0.4% of all our readers will be able to claim one…

And once they’re gone – they’re GONE.

So while I don’t want to rush you, I would suggest you do NOT wait on this.

Click Here NOW to Secure Your Seat to the Paradigm Shift Summit

This is going to be one of the premier financial events of the entire year.

The powerhouse lineup of experts you’ll hear from often command speaking fees well into the tens of thousands of dollars.

So getting to hear exclusive presentations from them for free is almost unheard of.

cocktail tables and palm trees

Plus, with both The Whiskey Bar and the Post-Summit Cocktail Party

You’ll get a rare “meet and greet” opportunity few other people have ever experienced.

And the only way to get on the guest list is to accept my invitation today.

We’re throwing this exclusive conference just for you…

To make sure you get a truly unique experience – as well as unprecedented access to our All-Star lineup of editors.

But please make sure you secure your spot NOW, while it’s still available.

Click Here NOW to Secure Your Seat to the Paradigm Shift Summit

This is your shot to hear directly from the financial experts you know and trust the most

At a time when it’s NEVER been more important to know what to do with your money.

I hope you see just how critical it is to have these guys in your corner right now.

Because while this is one of the most challenging times in recent memory…

It’s also filled to the brim with hidden profit opportunities only a handful of people can pinpoint.

Our editors are the ones who can find them – and hand-deliver them straight to you before anyone else.

I can think of no better team to have in your corner right now…

And with the Paradigm Shift Summit you’ll get a rare chance to see them speak – LIVE and in person.

So mark your calendar NOW, while it’s fresh in your mind, and prepare to be in Las Vegas on Tuesday, October 11th.

Click Here NOW to Reserve Your Spot to the Paradigm Shift Summit

Thanks for being one of our loyal readers.

I can’t wait to meet you in person.

See you in Las Vegas!


Doug Hill
VP of Publishing, Paradigm Press
July 2022

P.S. If you’re on the fence, my dedicated team of customer care representatives is standing by to answer ANY questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to call them toll free with any pressing concerns you may have:

(844) 591-7201

Or simply click the link below to claim your seat to the Paradigm Shift Summit NOW, while they’re still available:

Click Here NOW to Reserve Your Spot to the Paradigm Shift Summit